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Aluminum with oil on canvas, 60 x 89 x 4 in

(152.4 x 226.06 x 10.16 cm)


4 panels, 60H x 20W x 4D inches each. Brushed aluminum inset with oil on canvas

"Full Circle" is a large scale piece from our Eclipse Series. Influenced by science and math, with the theme of connection and balance at the forefront. We love the metaphor presented by overlapping circles. This piece fluctuates in depth off of the wall, providing movement and some illusion. The paintings are worlds on their own, where the closer you look, the more texture and color you see.


Created: 2014

Full Circle

$21,000.00 Regular Price
$5,250.00Sale Price
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    KX2: RUTH AVRA + DANA KLEINMAN                                            ©KX2ART 2024

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